8 tips for you to succeed in photography and films Awards!
Hello! This is Frankie Costa , Inspiration Photographers founder, and I want to share a few important tips with you.
After entering myself to some Awards along my career, seeing closely to Inspiration Awards’ backstages and talking to the photographers and filmmakers most awarded by Inspiration Photographers, I realized that there are a few things that all of us have experienced when entered to any Awards and I believe this is worthy to you to know.
I wrote down 8 tips below to help you plan and prepare yourself to get better results in Inspiration’s contests.
Note in your agenda the deadlines for submitting your best photos or videos to the Inspiration awards. Don’t stay out of any round, because at the end of each year the most winners and highlights are indicated at the International Golden Lens Award , and you can be left out of this list of indication for only an award-winning photo, stay tuned.
Create a unique folder for you to keep your best photos and or videos and add shortly after each event held, already edited and at the correct size for sending to the Inspiration Awards. So you always have to hand your best photos and videos ready to be sent to each new edition.
Give priority to your participation at Inspiration Photographers on the other directory, our regulation is the only one who does not accept photos already awarded in other contests, so send first to Inspiration and only after the other contests.
Disclose your actions at Inspiration, your customers need to know that is part of a select group of international professionals, when have awards or special participation as in our blog with interview, live, sending events for publication and in our social networks, take every action to your favor, leverage it and make the public realize your value.
Enjoy our showcase by sending photos and or videos of your events to be published on our blog and social networks, schedule a live with us to talk about your career and experiences, ask for these appearances with the team.
If you are able to get awards in the editions of the Inspiration Awards, keep your concentration and make a even better job that can take you quickly to the top.
If you aren’t able to get awards at the Inspiration Awards, get help with more experienced colleagues and already awarded, try looking at your images impartially and criticizes to fetch as well where you can improve, this exercise can bring you a great personal growth, try to dedicate more selection of your best photos, seek to understand how to read an image, because it is precisely in this way that juries tend to select your Inspiration collection.
Be persistent in finding your way within the Inspiration, the opportunities are equal for all, but also depends on the personal commitment of each one, but we have great examples of persistence that led many to success.
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