Sergei Checha, videomaker member of directory Inspiration Photographers.
“More than 5 years of filming. More than 200 happy couples. I love my job. I think that the wedding video does not have to follow any stereotypes. Freedom of creativity and interesting result. Happy couples and self-expression. All this can exist simultaneously.”
About the event
“It was a hot wedding day The groom in the open water, the bride in the pond, the scorching sun, the old Cadillac and the event in a secluded place with beautiful nature. The perfect recipe for a perfect wedding!”
Shooting and editing – Sergei Checha
Shot on Panasonic GX80 + slr magic 12/t1.6 + slr magic 25/t0.95 +
canonFD 50/1.4 + canonFD 85/1.8
more information about the work of Sergei Checha:
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