How do you know if your photography has power?
When it’s able to transform people!
Well, If you look back to your own path till here, probably will remember some remarkable photographs that have inspired you to become a photographer. Simple and unexpected, this is how someone’s life is changed like magic by a powerful photography.
Just think about it. Photography has the power of make people fell in love with their loved one, the power of drive people to do an unforgettable trip. But mostly, photography has the power of turn people into a better humans when it makes them remember old days with family photo albums.
Maybe you never got to know that, but I’m sure you’ve already changed someone’s life with your photography.
Photography power is countless, because reaches people’s really deep spots.
A photography has the power to tell with no words, breaking any language barriers over the world.
The more expressive is a photograph, more power it has to transform people. So, I believe that when we take fine care of composition, light, angle, concept, originality, it brings out real emotion and feelings. That’s how we photographers make magic happens.
Usually on photography contests, whether be lanscape, street, family or wedding, we want to express maximum feelings to show the world powerful images that touch people deeply. I believe that’s on our subconscious, because we also feel deeply touched when we see someone’s powerful photography.
The perfect-photo quest is driven by our will of transform our own life through photography, and without knowing, we end transforming, somewhere across this planet, some other people’s life (and maybe outside here too… who knows! Hahaha)
Sometimes, we are so driven by images of great things we want to reach that we forget what photography really is capable of.
For exemple, If you dream to become an award-winning photographer, you should know that this doesn’t happens overnight.
It takes a lot of hardwork! And that’s the main key. Each passing day, each taken photography, you understand more and more how photography transform people and transform yourself.
If you think about build a strong name on the market for your photography business, I believe that just you understanding your photography real transform power, you’ll be winning the ultimate award a photographer could ever win.
When any photography gets awarded on a high level contest, it becomes a masterpiece, taking its transformation power beyond. Because an award-winning photograph stands out among thousand of images like no other. And when that happens you’ll feel its full potential transformation power.
Now, don’t just keep your powerful photographs on hard drives. If you also believe into photography real power, start transforming for yourself and then transform people. It’s time to turn photography into masterpieces.
Frankie Costa, founder of Inspiration Photographers